





定期的に渋谷で行っているicon girl pistolsの企画、LJRRには、初回からいつも素敵なミュージシャン達が出演してくれています。

先ず、二月に出演してくれた、Callum's Whisky Tales。ギターボーカルとドラムスの2人組で、Ian Curtisにも通じる深い響きの声と呪術的なギターのリフレイン、それを完璧にコントロールされたドラムスが支え、静と動の爆発的なエモーションを生み出すグループです。

彼らは3月末まで六本木に開設されていたBlue Man Theatre Tokyoでパフォーマンスを行う現役バリバリのBlue Man Groupのメンバーという表の(?)顔をもっており、忙しいスケジュールの合間をぬって出演してくれたのでした。

Blue Manのブルーに染まっていないパフォーマンスが見れるとあってか、会場は超満員になってしまい、お客さん達には少し窮屈な思いをさせてしまいましたが、さすがに毎晩世界レベルのパフォーマーとして人々を魅了している彼らの演奏は、一瞬聴いただけで本物と感じさせる気品のあるものでした。


そして、もう一組はつい先日、12月23日のイベントに出演してくれたミスターSamm Bennett。







僕の大好きなTom Waitsに通じるストーリーテラーとしての才能、現在もJim O'Rourkeや菊池成孔と活動を行う即興奏者としての実力、そして圧倒的な知識に裏付けられた音楽への愛情、その全てが彼の特別な世界を作り出しているのでした。










来年こそは皆さんに刺激を与えられるような活動を行っていきたいと思っていますので、このブログともども、icon girl pistolsをご贔屓下さいますようよろしくお願いいたします。




この間うちのssに教えてもらったJake Bugg君が最近気になってはいるけど。

今年出てきたバンドではないけど新しく聴いてたのはCaravan PalaceとWarpaint。
Caravan Palaceはフランスのエレクトロスウィングのバンドで、ドラムは打ち込みだけどすんごいカッコイイ。日本でライブやってくれないかなぁ。絶対に楽しく踊れる! フランスに見に行ってもいいな。
Warpaintはアメリカの女の子4人組で、John Fruscianteがプロデュースしたりで話題になってたけど、音がね、素晴らしい。美しくて、心地よくて。それとベースの子のリズムの取り方がすごく良い。

あと新しく聴いたわけではないけど、久しぶりにDr.FeelgoodとThe JamとFlogging MollyとRolling Stonesをよく聴いたらハマりました。昔はそんなにピンと来なかったけど、今聴くとすごいカッコイイ。

それと今年は人のライブにはあまり行けなかったけど、Zeppで見たMorrisseyと、フジロックで見た井上陽水、Elvis Costello、Jack Whiteは凄く良かったなぁー。

けどJack Whiteは女の子バンドで来てて、男バンドのDaru Jonesのドラムが超絶にカッコイイのでそっちを出来れば生で見たかったなぁ。普段は歌い手とかフロントマンばかり好きになって、ドラマーはあまり他の人を見てても興味が湧かないのだけれど、Daru Jonesは衝撃的で今年一年すごく影響を受けました。あとドラマーで言えばRingo Starrの偉大さを痛感した一年でもあった。前から好きではあったけど、本当の凄さをようやく理解してきた。気がする。もちろんBeatlesも良いけど、JohnのソロアルバムのPlastic Ono BandでのRingoのドラムがすっごくイイ感じ。

それと最近出会った、Samm Bennettさんも本当に最高のドラムを叩くし、タイコと歌だけで創る世界というか空気が本当に凄い。そんな人が同じ現代の東京で活動してることはとても幸運だし、来年もぜひ仲良くさせていただきたい。学ぶことが多いし、ドラムや音楽の話が出来て楽しい。Thank you so much!!

あと新宿でイベントやってるDJの長嶋さんも本当に素敵な人でした。今年始めたTOO MANY SHOES!!にも出て貰いましたが、本当に選曲が最高で、しかも半分くらいは知らない音楽で、色々お勧めの音楽を教えてもらいたい。
というかSamm Bennettさんと長嶋さんには毎回IGPのイベントにはレギュラーで出演して欲しい!




P.S. 本日三鷹台に引っ越しました。井の頭線とか中央線とか近辺にお住まいの方々、これから宜しくお願いします。



"I kissed goodbye the the howling beast on the borderline which separated you from me"
こんなラインが、Bob Dylanの1975年のアルバム「Blood On The Tracks」の中の「Idiot Wind」という曲にあります。

手元にある片桐ユズル氏の訳詞によると、この一節は「おれはキスをする ほえる動物それはきみとおれを分ける国境線上にある」となっています。









「おれはキスをする ほえる動物それはきみとおれを分ける国境線上にある」

「おれはキスをする ほえる動物それはきみとおれを分ける境界線上にある」







ちなみに、片桐ユズル氏の訳詞では、"I kissed goodbye"という部分がおそらく意図的に簡略化されています。僕の個人的な見解では、このフレーズは「おれはキスをする」というよりも、「さよならのキスをする」もっと言ってしまえば、「さよならをする」という意味に近いのではないかと考えています。

「おれはさよならのキスをする ほえる動物に きみとおれを分ける境界線上の」





ちなみに、この作品が収録されている「Blood On The Tracks」というアルバムは、Dylanと妻Saraの破綻してゆく結婚生活がモチーフとなっていると言われています。みなさんはこの詩からどんな事を想像されるでしょうか。




"Japan Self-Defense Forces"







Saturday December 15th, 2012
Open / Start 23:30, all night party at mona records in Shimokitazawa. 
1000 yen entry. 

Live music from The Watanabes, The Good Things (Mike Hannah & Tosh Aoshima), Icon Girl Pistols and more...

DJ sets from Tomohiko Nagashima (Darling Honey, BEAT WEEKENDERS), EISUKE HOSHI (les qwells, BEAT WEEKENDERS), Goldflash (Goodbye Donuts), SS (Goodbye Donuts)

Timetable coming soon!!

ということで、icon girl pistols主催の深夜イベントがスタートします。
あまり覚えにくい名前は嫌だから、「TOO MANY SHOES!!」です、シンプルに。

いつも渋谷のNobでやっている「Lady Jane's Rambling Revue」のように定期的にやっていくつもりでいます。


そして、DJもまた強力。今月頭まで月1で開催され、歌舞伎町の夜を英国色に染めていたイベント、From England To MeのレジデントDJ達が出演。スペシャルゲストももしかしたらあるかも!

それからここ何ヶ月かicon girl pistolsで坊主担当をしていたお調子者GOLDFLASHがついに本業のDJとして復活。
















つい先日もgamusoのライブで共演したStuart O'Connorという素晴らしいミュージシャンが自主制作のアナログ盤を販売していたので、クリスはそれを買って、今度家で聴こうという話になった。









Gamuso Live!


1. [unleleased]
3.脱NYC -escaping NYC-
4.噂話の果実 -the fruit of rumour-
6. [unleleased]
encore.グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 -goodbye donuts (hey, statue of liberty)-

































In celebration of the re-election of Obama, which is a great victory not only for Americans but also for people around the world, I would like to take a moment to celebrate songs about that great nation. It is interesting when you think about it – how many songs do you know called “England”? I can’t think of any… some with “Englishman” in the title perhaps (“woah-oh”), but no song comes to mind called simply “England”. Same goes for “Britain”, or “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”, though I think that would make a corker of an album closer.

However, there are tens of well known pop songs titled “America”. Simon & Garfunkel have a superb one, Razorlight have a mediocre one, Rammstein have a German one that rhymes ‘wonderbra’ with ‘wunderbar’. Heck, even us icon girl pistols have a song called “America”. Plenty come to mind without even needing to extend the list to include those which use the word as an adjective where we have everything from Pie to Idiots, and the list goes on for pages. Hell, there was even a band called “America” who went through the desert on a horse with no name. la la la la la la.

I suppose it is the flexibility of the word, in its ability to convey so many meanings and emotions. For some “America” means pride, for some it means arrogance; it can be 21st century metropolis or 19th century pastoral; Pennsylvania steel or plastic Hollywood. It means jazz, blues, folk and hip-hop; summer night drive-ins and Saturday night drive-bys.

 Of all the songs “America”, my favourite would be a very recent one, by Bill Callahan on his 2011 album “Apocalypse”. Oops, I got the punctuation wrong. It’s actually “America!” Great beat, superb rhythm and lead guitars and Callahan’s baritone voice grooving along. The lyrics capture the way I think so many people feel about America; a sense of awe (“you are so grand and golden”) with an acknowledgement of the nation’s darker side (“well everyone's allowed a past they don't care to mention”).


 If you dig it, I recommend the album too – one of my favourites from last year.



the fifth beatle

it has been a while since the last update here, during which we have played a handful of gigs around tokyo, one of which coincided with me being out of japan at the time. not wanting to cancel the gig, shinnosuke picked up the bass and learned how to be a bass/vocalist in time for the show. ive seen him do it a couple of times in practice and actually he is pretty good - from what i hear the gig was a success too. still, it stings to have missed my first icon girl pistols gig in 4 years. almost 100 gigs in a row and finally ive had to miss one (im sure ken felt the same way when we played a show without him in taiwan in 2010, accompanied by a drum machine).

of course im pleased the show went well, but also it is a concern that things went so well without me! and i started thinking about other bands where the guitar player takes up the bass and uh-oh could i be stuart sutcliffe all over again...

thankfully we have a lot of gigs coming up in the next month or so which i will definitely be a part of!


Friday October 26th @ NOB, Shibuya
ICON GIRL PISTOLS' bloody halloween party
w/PlayFight, Dead Sea Dropouts
open 19:30, start 20:00
\1500 inc. 1 drink
\2500 inc. all you can drink

Saturday November 3rd @ OTO, Shinjuku
a club event with DJs all night, and icon playing a set at about 1am.
more details: http://blog.fetm.jp/?eid=996154
open/start: 10pm until morning
\2000 in advance, \2500 on the door

Saturday November 10th @ CRAWFISH, Akasaka
w/Bitter Haze, Jimmy Binks & the Shakehorns, David Whittaker
open 18:00
\2000 on the door

Wednesday November 14th @ CLUB LIZARD, Yokohama
Open/Start: 1800/18:30
\1500 in advance, \2000 on the door

Saturday November 24th @ GAMUSO, Asagaya
w/ The Watanabes, Jimmy Binks & the Shakehorns, Negative Zero, Stuart O'Connor
Open 19:00, Start 19:30
Free Entry


old friends bookends

our friends 1976 were over in japan for summersonic festival and played on the island stage on sunday afternoon, but they got some poor luck with their 30 minute set being the only rain all afternoon! but still they sounded fantastic, and we all had a good dance in the rain. we have played with them a couple of times over in taipei, but it was nice to see them play in front of a Japanese crowd (although there seemed to be a lot of Taiwanese there...!)

a few days later we invited them to a gig in our regular home base NOB shibuya, where we had a big ol' reunion party. the evening began with a solo set by takashi hasegawa (yes, that Takashi, who was once a fellow icon girl pistol), which I think was the first time he has played in front of people since he left the band. he was followed by shinnosuke performing a quizmaster set - he opened solo with an unreleased acoustic track and then was joined by myself on bass and yusuke sato on drums for "その男、裏表アリ・That Man of Many Faces" and "祝祭の日・The Day of Festivity". It was my first time playing those songs since quizmaster went on hiatus a couple of years ago, and apparently yusuke hasnt touched the drums since then!
after that shinnosuke did a solo rendition of "和音・Harmony" and then finished by bringing up the "Great Buildings of Quizmaster" era band members - ss, kamikubo, junpei, kohei & daiki, for "地下社会生活者・A Life in Underworld" and "Come Come Together"

i thought it was bloooooody brilliant to see them playing together again.

after that - to everyone's overwhelming surprise - 1976 appeared to play a few songs! their set was great, everyone was jumping and going mad. i hope they enjoyed their first time in the nob; we were certainly delighted to have them there. and so icon girl pistols then closed things off with the following set:

違法なチケット - An Illegal Ticket
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 - Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)
"正義の少年" [unreleased]
革命の仕組み - Structure of a Revolution
首輪 - Collar
ママ、僕の服はもう買わないで - Mama, Don't Buy My Clothes Anymore
DIY精神 - DIY Mentality
路上 - On The Road
車輪の下敷き - Crushed Beneath The Wheels

oh but of course it couldnt have all finished there, and so ss, kamikubo, daiki and a special guest on the drums played that old quizmaster favourite 「光の輪」
by that point everyone was partied to the very depths of their souls and even those of us with work in the a.m. found ourselves drinking past the last train. jeeeeezuz. still, made it to the weekend in one piece, and looking forward to 3 more gigs in the near future!

8/31 at ruby room, shibuya - icon on at about 10pm
9/2 at mona records, shimokitazawa
9/5 at yaneura, shibuya

oh! and i found a photo of shinnosuke's creepy radiohead t-shirt at the blacklight party:



under the blacklight

last night we had a blast at the crawfish, playing under the blacklights. the audience was fantastic too, everyone was going nice and crazy. and we finally made some little igp stickers that people were sticking on their heads, their arms and their bellys - i think a lot of people will wake up sunday morning, look at their photos and wonder what the fuck they have got stuck on their foreheads. haha, fantastic.
yesterday shinnosuke was wearing his radiohead t-shirt with the creepy baby face on it and jeeezus that looked spooky in the dark! have you seen it? from the cover of anyone can play guitar single:


as well as playing a couple of the new songs, we opened with Death of a Paper Mache Policeman, which was the first time we have performed that track since becoming a five piece. both shinnosuke and i (christopher) were wielding our new old guitars last night too - but i dont think anyone could see them!
This photo was taken by our friend and director Marina:

張りぼて警察官の死 Death of a Papier Mache Policeman
"正義の少年" [unreleased]
脱NYC Escaping NYC
レタス色の傘 Lettuce Coloured Umbrella
"スカイブルーペンキ" [unreleased]
ママ、僕の服はもう買わないで Mama, Don't Buy My Clothes Anymore
車輪の下敷き Crushed Beneath the Wheels
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)

upcoming tokyo gigs on 8/21, 8/31, 9/2 and 9/5!!!


Summerholidays vs Punkroutine

I remember when I first heard At The Drive-in, I must have been about 15 because I was living a few miles outside of Baltimore at the time. I was a big fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Placebo back then, and even though they were musically very different, both Flea and Brian Molko listed Relationship of Command as their record of the year in 2000. So I thought there must be something going on there for both of them to recommend it and so I picked up a copy – and to be absolutely honest it took me a little while to get into it. But, as so many great records do it grew and grew on me, and by a couple of months later I had picked up the back catalogue at the local Record and Tape Traders.

anyway, it was a real disappointment when they split up, but I went straight out and got the Tremulant EP by the Mars Volta and Austere EP by Sparta and was pretty impressed with both. I think at first I dug Sparta a little more because it was a closer to the ATDI sound, but by the time the first albums came out I was into the Mars Volta in a big way and managed to catch them at their first UK show in a tiny pub in Bristol in 2003.

Never thought that at the drive-in would get back together, and never thought I would be in Japan to see it.

Refused was a different story…to be honest I actually cannot remember how or where I first heard them, but I am pretty sure this was also when I was in the US. The Shape of Punk to Come was and is a superb record from start to finish, and by the time I was really into the band they must have already broken up because I remember hearing some (International) Noise Conspiracy not long after. I managed to catch the (I)NC at Reading festival in 2004, and then again in the small room at the Leeds Cockpit in about 2005, where Dennis Lyxzen climbed on top of everything and tore the stage up like all hell. And they were great and I enjoyed their records, but somehow it never quite came to reach the genius of The Shape of Punk to Come.

Never thought that Refused would get back together, and never thought I would be in Japan to see it.

And then, on Sunday July 29th 2012, on the white stage at fuji rock festival, I got to see those two huge bands of my adolescence playing back-to-back.
And here is what I think.

The Refused reunion makes perfect sense. Twelve years ago these guys made a fantastic album, but broke up before they ever got to really play it to the world. They have unfinished business, and it was so clear in their expressions and in the way that they played that they were loving every second of playing these songs together again. There was a real sense of brotherhood on that stage. And Dennis Lyxzen…. Wow. I am certain that he is the greatest frontman I have ever seen live, standing on speakers, swinging the microphone, jumping into the crowd. Pure energy, pure entertainment. I wish there was a good video of them from Fuji - here is their set from late night TV a couple of weeks ago. 

The At The Drive-in reunion…. to be honest I just don’t understand it. Like every other fan I was very surprised that their “indefinite hiatus” came to an end, and like everyone else I was wondering why. Watching them live, it was like watching two bands put together to play a show. Everyone is still amazing at their instruments, and the songs are still fantastic (was especially please to hear Metronome Arthritis), but the energy and the connexion between the members was completely missing. It really saddens me to say. You could draw a line down the middle of the stage with Cedric and Omar one side, Jim, Tony and Paul on the other. Maybe it was just because of the big stage, and perhaps they will be on fire when they play in a club in Brixton later this month (which a couple of lucky friends will be going to see). Of course they are ten years older and a lot of shit has gone on in between, but there just wasnt the fire that I was hoping for. I wish I could have had the chance to see them back in 2000, when their show looked like this: 

Still, the Mars Volta's newest album, Norctourniquet, is bloody fantastic. Definitely among my favourite records this year. Sadly, I cannot help but think I actually might have been more excited to see TMV, rather than ATDI at FRF.... hmmm......




太鼓を一叩き 笛を一吹き

Our conversation was short and sweet



7/20 setlist

"運動会のビデオ" [unreleased]
違法なチケット An Illegal Ticket
"スカイブルーのペンキ" [unreleased]
素敵な偽物 This Wonderful Fake
"正義の少年" [unreleased]
首輪 Collar
グッバイドーナツ自由な女神 Goodbye Donuts (Hey. Statue of Liberty)


failed olympic bid

yeeeeeeaahh gamusofest. what a crazy day, what a fantastic event. it was our pleasure to play amongst such fantastic artists, and to such an electric crowd. we put in a mix of new and old songs in the set:

"スカイブルーのペンキ" [unreleased]
違法なチケット An Illegal Ticket
首輪 Collar
"正義の少年" [unreleased]
ママ、僕の服はもう買わないで Mama, Don't Buy My Clothes Anymore
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)
車輪の下敷き Crushed Beneath the Wheels

i think that was the first time 首輪 has been in our set this year, so the first time we have played it as a five-piece. that song has been with us since our first demo over four years ago, and it feels good to play it again and for it to feel brand new with kanemitsu's vocals and stu's guitar. also we have been getting good feedback on the new songs that have been in our sets the past few weeks - cannot wait to get these recorded and make them available to everyone. aiming to get something recorded and released within this year....

so, the olympics start in 9 (?) days, and the london transportation system is still completely unprepared and the security arrangements are a shambles. i must say i am quite glad not to be in britain this summer. i would be one of those people who rented out their house to tourists and got outta the country for a month. Tokyo has been trying to get them for a while, with a failed olympic bid for 2016 and now they are trying again for 2020. i have still yet to meet a single person who is enthusiastic about getting the olympics here, but would be interested to hear the opinion of anyone who is. it just seems like a great way to put the country in a lot of debt.
speaking of "failed olympic bid"s, the greatest band out of my hometown, Future of the Left, have just put out another great record containing a song with that title. lyrics go:

"I got a home for the millennium dome
a heart disease ward underwritten by mcdonalds
you got funding while i got fat
on a training programme for type 2 diabetes
but a failed olympic bid gets some kids so upset, they cant forget
a failed olympic bid gets some kids so upset, they cant forget"

i definitely recommend their new record, but if you're new to FotL, it might be better to start with some earlier stuff. Here is a great one from their first record. "MANCHASM":

we are playing on Friday night July 20th at Ruby Room. The event page is herrrree, i think we will be on from 10ish (but i forgot to bring my racket!):



warped speakers, shuddering walls

and so this month, our favourite venue in taiwan will be closing its shutters permanently.
as icon girl pistols we had the pleasure of playing the Underworld three times, and each gig holds really special memories. it featured prominently in our music video for "on the road", including those psychedelic walls and that memorable staircase. it is really really sad to think we will not be able to play there again...and it is not just about the live shows. Underworld was the place where we inevitably ended up at the end of every night in Taipei, listening to records and sharing stories with the regulars until sunrise.
for shinnosuke those memories go back even further - with quizmaster he played their first ever taiwan show there back in about 2005 (?) and that awesome little club inspired a song on quizmaster's first record, for which they have just made a little slideshow of old photos. it's a good track, you can hear it here:

we hope to be back in Taiwan soon, but there is definitely going to be an emptiness where the Underworld used to be. but still, as long as the amazing people of that city are still around, i am certain that there will always be other cool places to hang out.

a little closer to home, we will be playing a couple of gigs in Tokyo next week. On Sunday July 15th we are going back to Gamuso Asagaya for the second annual GamusoFest. Last year was chaos, so expect nothing less this time. Music all day, icon girl pistols will be on from about 9:30pm.
also, we will be at Ruby Room in Shibuya on Friday, July 20th. please stop on by x



june was a busy month for us, a gig most weekends in between which we spent a lot of time working on new material. we managed to debut 7 new songs on stage over the last three weeks, including at least one brand new one at each gig. some of these songs i have a feeling are going to become regular fixtures of our set... we are still thinking about the best timing and medium to get these and the rest of our new tunes recorded and released, but we are really looking forward to putting some music out as soon as possible.

this saturday the band all gathered at stuart's house for the first barbeque of the summer, and after some food and drinks we took a stroll with the guitar through inokashira park where we had an impromptu session with a pair of shamisen players. jamming in the park as the sun goes down with some cool old dudes - this is what music is all about. after all that we finally made it to Mandala 1 in kichijoji where for a gig which went well except that Goldflash was feeling the effects of a bottle of wine and his cowbell might have been a wee bit out of time... word has it that a video is floating around youtube documenting this.

our set went something like this:

"運動会のビデオ" [unreleased]
革命の仕組み Structure of a Revolution
"口紅" [unreleased]
素敵な偽物 This Wonderful Fake
"最先端なリアカー" [unreleased]
"スカイブルーのペンキ" [unreleased]
"正義の少年" [unreleased]
車輪の下敷き Crushed Beneath the Wheels
DIY精神 DIY Mentality
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)

hard to believe that it is july already. GamusoFest is happening again on the 15th at Gamuso Asagaya so that will be the next big event to look forward to. July 20th we will be at the Ruby Room playing an event called Alternative Current for the very first time so that promises to be a good evening too. and in the meantime, dont be surprised if we turn up sometime soon in a park near you.


no mind

so tonight we had our 20th edition of the little event we hold in the nob in shibuya. this month we had the pleasure of sharing the stage with Yotsuya Jihen, Bitter Haze and Angry Bear.... and i struggle to think of one of our humble events ever being better than this.
Yotsuya Jihen were just about everything you want in an opening act - quality cover band making everybody groove with cute vocals and a bloody madman of a drummer who plays in goal for my football team.. Bitter Haze... well, if you know Sean Deely then you know his vocals are fucking ridiculously good, but helll that is a superb bunch of musicians he is surrounded by too.  And our friends from Korea, Angry Bear playing shibuya for the very first time. Well, it looked like they enjoyed playing as much as we enjoyed listening, and that was a whooooole lotttt! yikes. we are so happy that so many people came out, and most importantly stuck around to give these guys the love they deserve. bloody fantastic.
nights like this make me so happy to be playing music, and to be surrounded by good people who love music too. yes yes yes. almost makes up for the heartache of wales losing to australia at the rugby again by only one bloody point!!

our set had a lot of new stuff tonight, but people seemed to dig it which makes us very very happy indeed.

“運動会のビデオ” (unreleased)
“僕はビートルズを辞めた” (unreleased)
“スカイブルーのペンキ” (unreleased)
“ガラス窓の向こう” (unreleased)
路上 - On The Road
“正義な少年” (unreleased)
ママ、僕の服はもう買わないで - Mama, Don't Buy My Clothes Anymore
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 - Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)


next saturday we are playing at Mandala 1 in Kichijoji, on stage from about 20:30 or so. Hope you can join us there 

- icon girl pistols xxx


i cant believe greece are in the quarter finals

a busy weekend, a couple of great shows! as promised we have started working some new songs into the sets - there will be more at our gigs on June 23rd @ NOB shibuya and June 30th @ Mandala 1 Kichijoji!

16th June @ Mandala 2, Kichijoji 
革命の仕組み Structure of a Revolution
オニオンリング Onion Ring
違法なチケット An Illegal Ticket
“口紅” (unreleased)
車輪の下敷き Crushed Beneath the Wheels
“スカイブルーのペンキ” (unreleased)
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)

17th June @ The Locksley, Sugamo
“暗闇に火をつけて” (unreleased)
“スカイブルーのペンキ” (unreleased)
脱NYC Escaping NYC
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)
DIY精神 DIY Mentality



thanks all for coming to the show in gamuso last night - we had a few technical mishaps and a few musical fuckups but hells it was fun as always! cant believe it has already been two years since we played there for the first time. much love to iain for always asking us back.

last night's set:

運動会のビデオ [unreleased]
お前の本性を暴露しろ!- Reveal Your True Self
路上 - On The Road
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 - Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)
脱NYC - Escaping NYC
車輪の下敷き - Crushed Beneath the Wheels
革命の仕組み - Structure of a Revolution
テクノスタージェトオ - Technostarjet

woohoo and we have three gigs lined up for june: 
16th at Kichijoji Mandala 2
23rd at Shibuya Nob
30th at Kichijoji Mandala 1

we are going to start playing some new tracks at these gigs... it has been fun putting new synth and guitar parts on our old songs, but we have been working on some new stuff since becoming a 5 piece and really look forward to playing them live! see you there!


Goldflash News



耳かきしたくて したくて 震えています。


なんと、IGP が Rock In Japan Festival 2012 オーディションで一次通過しましたよ。




コメントほしくて ほしくて 震えています。







みんな知ってると思うけど、icon girl pistolsは先月くらいから大体5人編成のバンドになったわよ。




そして、4月21日は、恒例のLady Jane's Rambling Revue vol.19"世界は自転で回ってる"の開催よ!

そして、我らが半裸王子Mikeの率いるThe Mootekkisよ。


それから、icon girl pistolsはこの日、新曲「軍資金は多摩川マネー」をリリース!




gee gee gee gee gee

Last week we were delighted to have had the chance to play in Seoul for the first time, thanks enormously to Ian and Patrick from Exit Six events who helped arrange the gigs. We played with their band Angry Bear on the Saturday and woooh they rocked, very very cool. We look forward to them coming over to Tokyo in the near future.

It was a weekend of too much food, too much drink, not enough sleep and a moderate amount of reasonably priced shopping. It was also a chance to debut one of our new members - Goldflash! on the synth and percussion - who just about managed to learn the songs in time. 

Thanks to all who came out and stuck around to watch us play. We hope we can come back soon!!

March 9th @ Club FF
1. 素敵な偽物 This Wonderful Fake
2. 脱NYC Escaping NYC
3. 大人の責任 Grown-Up Responsibilities
4. 革命の仕組み Structure of a Revolution
5. 車輪の下敷き Crushed Beneath the Wheels
6. ママ、僕の服はもう買わないで Mama, Don't Buy My Clothes Anymore
7. 象の尻尾 Elephant's Tail
8. DIY精神 DIY Mentality
9. Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)

March 10th @ Strange Fruit
1. ネオングラス宣誓 Neon Glass Pledge
2. 素敵な偽物 This Wonderful Fake
3. リジュ Riju
4. 違法なチケット An Illegal Ticket 
5. アメリカ America
6. 革命の仕組み Structure of a Revolution
7. 車輪の下敷き Crushed Beneath the Wheels
8. Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)
9. 路上 On The Road

we have a couple of gigs coming up in Tokyo next week, March 23rd at SUPER DELUXE in Roppongi:
and March 24th at GAMUSO Asagaya:



can i get a goddamn timpani roll

recently i was browsing the web and i came across this article about the greatest songs over ten minutes in length: http://treblezine.com/columns/190.html

so, here is my own list of favourite 5 songs over 10 minutes long:

The Velvet Teen - Chimera Obscurant
Sigur Ros - Untitled 7 / Untitled 8
Pink Floyd - Dogs
Converge - Jane Doe
Bright Eyes - Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love and To Be Loved)


where do we go now but nowhere

i think the only "new" album i bought this year was the fantastic new tom waits; rather ive been catching up on a lot of stuff i missed out on that was released in the past. the bigggg one is nick cave and the bad seeds. i bought "dig lazarus dig" when it came out in 2008 and there are a couple of superb songs on that album and i became a fan. but for some reason i didnt go and pick up his back catalogue at that time.. i think the reason is simple - lazarus was his 14th? 15th? record - so where do you go next?! especially when youre a student and cant afford to buy something youre never gonna listen to again.

its like if someone said they wanted to get into bob dylan, it is impossible to just give them one record, you need at least 4 or 5 to get an idea of what he has done. imagine if a kid went into a record shop looking for bob dylan and all they had was "down in the groove". you see what i mean?

so with nick cave i didnt know where to dive in. thankfully i have a friend from way back who is a big fan and she told me to start with "murder ballads" and "let love in". but shit, i got them and those records were just so good i went and picked up "the boatman's call" and "no more shall we part" and yikes the more i listened the more i loved it. i couldnt stop there, so now ive got pretty much everything he has released, and a little annoyed i didnt get into this before but very very happy to know it now. my album of his changes with the tide, but this week i have been listening a lot to "no more shall we part",  and this song is particularly good:

of course, im also loving grinderman, nick cave's garage band, but i hear they just broke up a few weeks ago. tis a shame, but hopefully it means we get another bad seeds record next year. man, i hope icon girl pistols are still rocking like this when we are in our 50s (and that we are appropriately bearded):