

太鼓を一叩き 笛を一吹き

Our conversation was short and sweet



7/20 setlist

"運動会のビデオ" [unreleased]
違法なチケット An Illegal Ticket
"スカイブルーのペンキ" [unreleased]
素敵な偽物 This Wonderful Fake
"正義の少年" [unreleased]
首輪 Collar
グッバイドーナツ自由な女神 Goodbye Donuts (Hey. Statue of Liberty)


failed olympic bid

yeeeeeeaahh gamusofest. what a crazy day, what a fantastic event. it was our pleasure to play amongst such fantastic artists, and to such an electric crowd. we put in a mix of new and old songs in the set:

"スカイブルーのペンキ" [unreleased]
違法なチケット An Illegal Ticket
首輪 Collar
"正義の少年" [unreleased]
ママ、僕の服はもう買わないで Mama, Don't Buy My Clothes Anymore
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)
車輪の下敷き Crushed Beneath the Wheels

i think that was the first time 首輪 has been in our set this year, so the first time we have played it as a five-piece. that song has been with us since our first demo over four years ago, and it feels good to play it again and for it to feel brand new with kanemitsu's vocals and stu's guitar. also we have been getting good feedback on the new songs that have been in our sets the past few weeks - cannot wait to get these recorded and make them available to everyone. aiming to get something recorded and released within this year....

so, the olympics start in 9 (?) days, and the london transportation system is still completely unprepared and the security arrangements are a shambles. i must say i am quite glad not to be in britain this summer. i would be one of those people who rented out their house to tourists and got outta the country for a month. Tokyo has been trying to get them for a while, with a failed olympic bid for 2016 and now they are trying again for 2020. i have still yet to meet a single person who is enthusiastic about getting the olympics here, but would be interested to hear the opinion of anyone who is. it just seems like a great way to put the country in a lot of debt.
speaking of "failed olympic bid"s, the greatest band out of my hometown, Future of the Left, have just put out another great record containing a song with that title. lyrics go:

"I got a home for the millennium dome
a heart disease ward underwritten by mcdonalds
you got funding while i got fat
on a training programme for type 2 diabetes
but a failed olympic bid gets some kids so upset, they cant forget
a failed olympic bid gets some kids so upset, they cant forget"

i definitely recommend their new record, but if you're new to FotL, it might be better to start with some earlier stuff. Here is a great one from their first record. "MANCHASM":

we are playing on Friday night July 20th at Ruby Room. The event page is herrrree, i think we will be on from 10ish (but i forgot to bring my racket!):



warped speakers, shuddering walls

and so this month, our favourite venue in taiwan will be closing its shutters permanently.
as icon girl pistols we had the pleasure of playing the Underworld three times, and each gig holds really special memories. it featured prominently in our music video for "on the road", including those psychedelic walls and that memorable staircase. it is really really sad to think we will not be able to play there again...and it is not just about the live shows. Underworld was the place where we inevitably ended up at the end of every night in Taipei, listening to records and sharing stories with the regulars until sunrise.
for shinnosuke those memories go back even further - with quizmaster he played their first ever taiwan show there back in about 2005 (?) and that awesome little club inspired a song on quizmaster's first record, for which they have just made a little slideshow of old photos. it's a good track, you can hear it here:

we hope to be back in Taiwan soon, but there is definitely going to be an emptiness where the Underworld used to be. but still, as long as the amazing people of that city are still around, i am certain that there will always be other cool places to hang out.

a little closer to home, we will be playing a couple of gigs in Tokyo next week. On Sunday July 15th we are going back to Gamuso Asagaya for the second annual GamusoFest. Last year was chaos, so expect nothing less this time. Music all day, icon girl pistols will be on from about 9:30pm.
also, we will be at Ruby Room in Shibuya on Friday, July 20th. please stop on by x



june was a busy month for us, a gig most weekends in between which we spent a lot of time working on new material. we managed to debut 7 new songs on stage over the last three weeks, including at least one brand new one at each gig. some of these songs i have a feeling are going to become regular fixtures of our set... we are still thinking about the best timing and medium to get these and the rest of our new tunes recorded and released, but we are really looking forward to putting some music out as soon as possible.

this saturday the band all gathered at stuart's house for the first barbeque of the summer, and after some food and drinks we took a stroll with the guitar through inokashira park where we had an impromptu session with a pair of shamisen players. jamming in the park as the sun goes down with some cool old dudes - this is what music is all about. after all that we finally made it to Mandala 1 in kichijoji where for a gig which went well except that Goldflash was feeling the effects of a bottle of wine and his cowbell might have been a wee bit out of time... word has it that a video is floating around youtube documenting this.

our set went something like this:

"運動会のビデオ" [unreleased]
革命の仕組み Structure of a Revolution
"口紅" [unreleased]
素敵な偽物 This Wonderful Fake
"最先端なリアカー" [unreleased]
"スカイブルーのペンキ" [unreleased]
"正義の少年" [unreleased]
車輪の下敷き Crushed Beneath the Wheels
DIY精神 DIY Mentality
グッバイドーナツ自由の女神 Goodbye Donuts (Hey, Statue of Liberty)

hard to believe that it is july already. GamusoFest is happening again on the 15th at Gamuso Asagaya so that will be the next big event to look forward to. July 20th we will be at the Ruby Room playing an event called Alternative Current for the very first time so that promises to be a good evening too. and in the meantime, dont be surprised if we turn up sometime soon in a park near you.