

I know that it is frightfully tedious to hear someone relay the experiences of a dream, especially since there is a tendency to forget the plot halfway through, but I had one the other night which was just fantastic and so wish to record it for my own amusement if nothing else.
I was in a grand theatre hall, the kind with billowing red curtains and velvet seats and gold leaf on the bannisters of the royal booths, and I was watching Roger Waters performing "The Wall". However, after the first song (which was 'Mother', strangely, completely out of order), Roger disappeared and a play began that was filled with bizarre political commentary. Then I noticed I was sat next to Christopher Hitchens, who had written this play, and who was now bellowing with laughter as people around him heckled the play and began leaving the theatre.
Well, as you may have guesssed I cannot remember what happened next, but good lord it was fantastic to see Hitch on fine form yelling at everyone. It is a sad sad thing that he has lost his voice, but we can be grateful that he has not lost the power of words. He writes about losing it to cancer in this essay:
in which he also quotes from one of my very favourite Leonard Cohen songs.
I do hope he kicks cancer's arse in the same way he has so many politicians and religious figures.

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