
goodbye donuts (hey, statue of liberty)

so most people will have noticed the message on the front page giving a release date of october 22nd for the new record.
hooo yah we are excited about it - NEVERCREW have done an amazing job with the artwork (the current image is just a teaser, the main picture will be revealed later!) and it was great to record it all in 2 days in analogue in a funky little place out in the middle of nowhere. it is the first music we have recorded without takashi (although 'we that remain' was recorded in april, we brought him in to help play percussion!), so the guitar sound is quite different, but we are very pleased with the result.

you see that we have called it an album, but maybe mini-album is more appropriate. more than an EP, not quite an an LP. i was thinking about this a wee while ago, because 30 years ago albums needed to be approximately 45 minutes so that they would fit onto two sides of an LP. if you went over that time, you needed to make it a double-album.
then the CD came along, and suddenly you could make an album 60, 70 minutes long, and a lot of bands did.
sometimes this was a great thing - there are some fantastic albums hitting 70 minutes in length, but unfortunately there are also a lot of records than contain two or three good songs, and a bit of filler just to get it up to the 60 minute mark (im sure some people might say the same about our first album)

now we live in an age where people dont buy CDs or vinyl records (much) anymore, and albums can be as long as one wishes. and i think the listening mentality has changed a little.
i remember getting albums when i was in high school, putting on the CD and listening to it start to finish while following the lyrics in the booklet. i dont think people do that much anymore. nowadays everything is on digital devices, and very often on a random mix with whatever other music is on there.

so, we wanted to put out something with the songs that we have enjoyed playing in practice and those which work best with the sound we are making at our gigs recently. we were thinking about doing a double album this time, but instead cut it right down to more than an EP, not quite an LP. a simple half hour of music.
which is great for me, because that is exactly how long my commute to work is.


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